Single Woman Valentine Meme

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  2. Be My Valentine Meme

Even though I’m only 22, I'm constantly bewildered by strangers politely inquiring if I have a husband or children or if I have a serious boyfriend. I'm not questioning the importance of having relationships; I'm just trying to figure out why people put so much focus on a woman's relationship status. Articles for women and men are full of advice and opinions on what will help them gain and retain a mate (often assumed of the opposite sex). Nursing scholarships 47 years old divorced single woman.

With books like 'Marry Smart' from the 'Princeton Mom,' Susan Patton, coming out and controversial articles like in the Christian Post, arguing that women should be paid less so they can focus on finding a suitable husband, it's hard to know which piece of advice to adhere to. There are countless discussions on women seeking, obtaining and keeping a mate, but what about the women who look for happiness outside a romantic relationship first? The fundamental assumption still made in this day and age is that a man is single by choice and a woman single because no one wants her. This fallacy continues to uphold myths about women and what they are expected to desire from life. For the women who are single by choice, I salute you, and ask you to remember the following: 1. Your Standards Are NOT Too High I’m always suspicious when the only people who tell you this are either trying to get into your pants, or want grandchildren.

Valentines Day Memes

You should always be on the lookout for ulterior motives. When you know what you want from life, yourself and a romantic partner, there isn’t a need to date just to pass the time; you have better things to do. This isn't something to apologize for.

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A stranger should not be allowed to think it is his or her right to interrogate a woman about her marital status and then make a judgment about her based on her answers. You Are NOT Scarred Or Damaged There’s a difference between knowing something is scary and not doing something because you are afraid.

Be My Valentine Meme

Others may see your refrain from serious romantic relationships as fear-based. However, I find that most women who are willing to take the backlash of being single and prefer to be alone, or wait for someone worth their time, are far from cowardly. Once again, we are discussing a woman's personal life. Other people's lives are not your business, no matter what the tabloids say. Respect for human privacy is falling, while humiliation and judgment are on the rise. We need to do something about it. You Do Not Need A Significant Other To Be Happy This is what ultimately sparked the feminist movement in the 60s and 70s. Too often a woman who is focused on her career is either seen as frigid, or must one day choose between her career and family.